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Despite what you may have heard from family and friends, everything is fine and I don't need any kind of "Freecell intervention" at this time. While I will admit that there was a period where my Freecell habit was maybe a little out of control, the worst is past. I'm out of jail now and doing just peachy. Even the state-appointed psychiatrist says I'm doing much better. I suppose you may have heard a story that during the peak of my affliction there was one particular dark day when my Internet service provider went down, I couldn't get to, and they found me sitting naked in the corner rocking back and forth clutching a stuffed Barney doll and muttering to myself. That's far from the truth. I wasn't naked-- I had my underwear on, although it's true the underwear maybe weren't as "fresh" as they might have been-- and it was a stuffed Pooh, not Barney. I hate Barney, hate Barney, HATE Barney. I HATE HATE HATE Barney. So anyhow when the emergency response folks showed up and the nice officer made the mistake of telling me to put down the Barney, I guess I just overreacted a bit and that little misunderstanding led to the matter of the assault charge and the night in the shared jail cell. Can you believe they didn't have a single free cell? That's just the worst. But I did meet some nice people in jail, such as Sandy, who is professionally Fun To Be With; "Banger", who's nickname owes to his repeated bad luck with meth labs blowing up on him; and a souse named Ralph who lived up to his name, all over the bench we were sharing. But I'm out now and doing much better. What helped me through the darkest hours though was the encouraging and uplifting advice at the 12 Steps page: Now I know at least I'm not alone in my addiction, I know it's actually a disease (so you have to feel sorry for me), and I now have the tools I need to deal with my little special problem. My improvement is astounding really. I'm showering every day (that mostly fixed that kind of chunky dandruff problem), I'm going out in public, and people have even commented that my breath will no longer knock a buzzard off a manure wagon at 50 feet. So life is good and I'm back in the game (so to speak), I've had a streak of good days, and I'm feeling so confident that I'm even going to go play just ONE real quick game of Freecell at: Yours, (your name)
So I don't know if you've ever played Freecell or not, but it's a pretty fun type of solitaire, almost always winnable. Highly addictive, I might add. There's a very good version of this game at that you play from within you browser. It can keep track of your scores for you and allow you to save games. They have huge scores lists with results from all the best Freecell players on the 'net. They also have scheduled tournaments where people compete to solve a series of specified games. There's even a chat room and Freecell discussion board. Check it out: Yours, (your name)