Discussion Board interview May 25, 2021
Didn't count but I guess it should be somewhere between 5 to 10.
Those from 7x5 to 10x2. I like to play them in streak mode. Also 8x3, 9x2 and 10x1 to a lesser extent.
I select the variants with the least number of unwinnables (9x3, 10x2 level-11) mostly with some occasional shots some few others (7x5 level-11, 11x1 etc.) and I also play the winnable variants during the WWCX competion or when they are about to age off. Yes I aim for 2600 and it looks like it can be reachable from where I am now.
This is a new word for me. I don't know its exact meaning. But I do things like code writing, solving math puzzles and learning new languages (currently I am trying to learn Esperanto in Duolingo), etc. No paid job.
No idea.
12x1W is still alive. 13x0W was a winner in the WWC but it was lost during another WWC. That 199 of 8x4 was not best of that day. I came second with that one on that day. It took me about seven hours to win that many. Not on that day but a few days later it was lost. Playing too many games in a day makes it more likely to lose a streak.
I had various titles in software business. system analyst, consultant etc. Then I was self employed to develop software. Now out of business.
Travelled several countries for training and/or projects.
No idea about Baseball. I don't even know its rules. Not an interesting sport for me.
I have never had a car. Maybe I can buy an electric one when prices gets lower to a resonable level for me.
I don't know. Probably not well.
I never play lottery. I am almost %100 sure that I will lose money in it. So why do it?
Rather than providing a link here, if you feed my nick to google, it lists many links... I didn't say I was listening. I said I whistle and sing when doing something... It's one of my favorite tunes to whistle.
But that said, here's a favorite version on YouTube...
Well all of the languages I have tried, I find all of them hard to learn (I get annoyed by their irregularities) except for Esperanto which has very consistent rules and vocabulary is a mixture of western languages I have studied and it helps a lot. Of course Spanish is a little bit easier having already known some Italian. Duolingo has some possibilities. You may pretend you speak Italian and begin to study Spanish or English and vice versa.
Yes, I am located in western Turkey, Aegean coast. GMT+3 in the winter GMT+2 in the summer.
No it gets (somewhere near the win rate). If I try to see more than that I would have longer average times. I look for transitions (those that turns your position into a better one) and simplifications (those moves that do not affect/change the number of free columns and freecells but lead to a better position).
I use some heuristics like looking for a free column and two freecells (in 8x4).
Also planning the first moves is something that must be done carefully. I usually select 2 suits; one red and one black and locate the lower cards of those suits and do some sort of Manhattan distance calculations. It helps.
During tourneys, You play all kinds of difficult deals anyway.
In streaking I hate to lose a streak to an unwinnable game. That's why I usually try to play those variants with the least number of unwinnables.
If you have Ace of a suit close to bottom but other low cards deeply buried then it makes a lot of distance. I meant how close they are to send to foundations. And I said "sort of". Distance can be thought of as the number of cards below a target card.
Not really. I have a lot of western pop culture music in my cd collection. And I am always keen to discover new artists. I pay attention to the music links posted here in these forums.
Wow, you think so? I always thought my English is not so good at all.
That is because I worked in an international company and you know you have to use English for communication. I have attended trainings abroad so English was a must. When speaking I have clear accent but when writing I'm better. That is probably because I spend a lot of in the forums to exchange views.
Rather than giving you a number let me answer it this way:
Old enough to watch Munich Olympics (yeah Mark Spitz), and old enough to watch Arthur Ashe winning Wimbledon, and old enough to watch Germany winning 1974 Football (Soccer for Americans) World Cup by beating Netherland 2-1.
I guess I am above average here.
Vaguely I remember those days. It was on TV but my memory has no details at all.
I don't think it's an addiction for me. It's a routine.
No IQ test.
Interesting, I have some interest in cryptography also. And I use my home made crypt utility to store my sensitive data.
I'm glad to hear it. I think I have provided another tip earlier in this thread. How you start your moves is important so sometimes you must be careful about which suits you target. If you are not sure how to start, select 2 suits, one black and one red. And select those with lower cards not deeply buried.
Also there are some tactics that come up all the time. Once there was thread about it (see link). By far, this is the one I come across most of the times.
* 4 3 2 or any 3 sequential cards
* * 4 3 2
Here * represents any card which can be moved to another column.
You have one open column and one freecell or 2 open columns with zero freecell.
So first move is to move "3 2" to the free column and "4" to the freecell or to the other open column.
Check the link (below), you may find several screen shots there.