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Subject: Jumping the shark

Date: Fri Feb 3 18:04:49 2006
User: Laffman
Excerpt from the FAQ page at jumptheshark.com: [begin] "Q. What is jumping the shark? A. It's a moment. A defining moment when you know that your favorite television program has reached its peak. That instant that you know from now on...it's all downhill. Some call it the climax. We call it "Jumping the Shark." From that moment on, the program will simply never be the same. The term "jump the shark" was coined by my college roommate for 4 years, Sean J. Connolly, in Ann Arbor, Michigan back in 1985. This web site, book, film, and all other material surrounding shark jumping, are hereby dedicated to "the Colonel." The aforementioned expression refers to the telltale sign of the demise of Happy Days, our favorite example, when Fonzie actually "jumped the shark." The rest is history. Jumping the shark applies not only to TV, but also music, film, even everyday life. "Did you see her boyfriend? She definitely jumped the shark." You get the idea." [end] I don't know if we've jumped the shark here, but I have the nagging feeling that Fonzie is putting on his water skis, if not airborne already.

Link: "Jump the Shark" Site

Date: Fri Feb 3 19:06:14 2006
User: birdhaus
I think in "Friends", jumping the shark was when Jennifer Aniston's Rachel enters the coffee shop, "Central Perk", in a wedding gown.

Date: Fri Feb 3 22:29:21 2006
User: ix
I'm ascairt to ask exactly what you mean

Date: Fri Feb 3 23:22:00 2006
User: Laffman
If you're asking what birdhaus meant, I think she was joking that "Friends" jumped the shark in the first episode. If you're asking what I meant, it's my way of expressing concern that this board is on the verge of jumping the shark. I've tried writing a more serious explanation several times now, but it keeps coming out looking long, bitter, and pointless, so I went with "jump the shark" instead. Probably still pointless, but at least not as much of a downer.

Date: Fri Feb 3 23:24:08 2006
User: ix
I should have been clearer, yeah, its what I thought and it IS a bummer.

Date: Sat Feb 4 09:08:26 2006
User: hysterical
Oh the shark, Babe, has such teeth, dear And he shows them pearly white Just a jack knife has old MacHeath, dear And he keeps it out of sight You know when the shark bites with his teeth, babe Scarlet billows start to spread Fancy gloves though wears old MacHeath, dear So there's never, never a trace of red Now, on the sidewalk, sunday morning Lies a body, just oozing life Someone's sneaking round the corner Could that someone mack the knife? There's a tug boat down by the river, don't you know A cement bag's dropping down Oh, that cement is just for the weight, dear Five'll get you ten, old Macky's back in town Did you hear about Louie miller? He disappeared, babe After drawing out, all his hard earned cash And now MacHeath spends like a sailor Could it be our boy's done something rash? Now jenny diver, ho ho, yeah Sukey tawdry, Ooh Ms Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown Oh the line forms on the right, babe Now that mack is back in town Ahh I said Jenny Diver, whoa Sukey Tawdry Look out Miss Lotte Lenya and old Lucy Brown Yes, that line forms on the right, babe Now that Macky's back in town Look out old Macky is back!!

Date: Sat Feb 4 10:38:36 2006
User: HillaryR.C.
Mr.Laffman, this is only my second day to take part in your discussion forum and I would hate to see it "sleep with the fishies". I find it interesting that so many people have the opportunity to speak out, lash out, or even cry out and have such warm hearted humans there to jump in with humor, sarcasm, and overall good comments. Maybe you need to take a break from this site, come with me to D.C. and after a few sessions at the Big House you will appreciate the warmth and love that is felt here, although I must say, sometimes it gets a little too warm. After all, this is what America should be about---many people's opinions, not just one person to rule .I wish my collegues were as funny as many of the people in this discussion group. Oh, vote for me in 2008.

Date: Sat Feb 4 12:09:23 2006
User: SassySallySalsa
Dear Hillary R.C.: When it comes to you in 2008, I will pass. No offense, but running you is the surest way I know to keep the Republicans in power.

Date: Sat Feb 4 12:57:34 2006
User: AllBewildered
HillaryR.C. wrote: "Mr.Laffman, this is only my second day to take part in your discussion forum and I would hate to see it "sleep with the fishies"..." I am always bewildered so excuse me for interjecting this post here. Perhaps I just missed the announcement. But when did Denny sell (or maybe it was lease) this discussion forum to Laffman?

Date: Sat Feb 4 15:38:12 2006
User: Laffman
Rest easy, everybody. It looks like Hillary made a connection of ownership or administration between me and this board that doesn't exist. I'm a long time regular and often frequent poster, but this board is still Denny's, and as far as I know, JeffMo is the only moderator. I'm not trying to impose a new set of rules on the board or anything like that, and I'm certainly not advocating shutting it down. I'm not attacking the wit or intelligence of posters, and I'm not disparaging political, religious, or any other kind of discussion. My very subjective point is that one kind of discussion has come to dominate (in my opinion) another kind of discussion, and the one doing the replacing is easy to find all over the 'Net, but the kind getting squeezed out is something I've never seen anywhere but here. I've seen this board go through similar spells and get back to "normal", so I'm not convinced the sky is falling, but I also have quite a bit of experience on boards besides this one, enough to recognize that when politics and religion take hold, that's often the end of whatever else the board used to be. That second possibility is what bums me out.

Date: Sat Feb 4 16:39:19 2006
User: HillaryR.C.
Laffman:point well taken. You are definately correct about this site, and many others not related to this one,that seem to become infested with and monopolized by those who feel the need to air their contempt about politics and religion. That's why I usually just read the posts and keep my mouth shut (something Monica didn't do well). It is pointless and never-ending to debate, or argue unless a person is very well versed in the matter. Also, don't give me the credit for making the connection between ownership and you, I think that was AllBewildered, I just made the statement that maybe you should take a break from the site and come back later, things will be different tomorrow. The only answer to the squelching of the irritating posts is to not respond--that means everybody, otherwise, don't complain if they go to 200 long. And furthermore Laffman, I'd hate to see you go, you add much humor and insight into this discussion group.

Date: Sat Feb 4 17:33:36 2006
User: newbie
Dear Laugh We're not jumping the shark here, we're only getting started. Chill out! If you want to jump the shark, start limiting what are permissable posts.

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:33:51 2006
User: hysterical
So why are you so political then, Hillary? And I simply cannot imagine any party wanting your husband back in the White House. (bless his heart)

Date: Sat Feb 4 18:46:51 2006
User: HillaryR.C.
Who says that I want my husband back in the White House?

Date: Sat Feb 4 19:37:42 2006
User: EZ-ED1
Laffman wrote: "...I'm not trying to impose a new set of rules on the board or anything like that, and I'm certainly not advocating shutting it down. I'm not attacking the wit or intelligence of posters, and I'm not disparaging political, religious, or any other kind of discussion. My very subjective point is that one kind of discussion has come to dominate (in my opinion) another kind of discussion, and the one doing the replacing is easy to find all over the 'Net, but the kind getting squeezed out is something I've never seen anywhere but here. I've seen this board go through similar spells and get back to "normal", so I'm not convinced the sky is falling, but I also have quite a bit of experience on boards besides this one, enough to recognize that when politics and religion take hold, that's often the end of whatever else the board used to be. That second possibility is what bums me out." Couldn't agree more, my man. I know lots of folks who used to read and post quite a bit in discussion who just don't care to do so anymore. I would like to make one more point. This a world-wide website. Most of the breed of religious/political posters are American. This has alienated many of our friends who live elsewhere on Earth. They feel it is Ugly American Elitism rearing its head. Many non-Americans have told me so. In the past they were very worthwhile posters who no longer care to read or post in discussion. Many non-Americans have told me this in chat. There are also lots of Americans turned off by discussion.

Date: Sat Feb 4 19:42:32 2006
User: Laffman
Hillary: Your points are well taken, too, and I appreciate the words of encouragement. I've seen enough "Farewell, cruel Internet" proclomations in my day not to make any, but I seem to have accidentally conveyed that message with my talk of jumping the shark. It wasn't my intent. It also wasn't my intent to express a general distaste for all political or religious discussion, and indeed, I've even engaged in some of it here. It's less a matter of topic (that bums me out) than proportion. I agree that ignoring posts that irritate is the best and first defense against such posts, but the second line of defense is keeping them relatively contained in their own threads - neither defense has been very widespread or successful of late. newbie: If you're gonna abbreviate my nick, please spell it right - Laff. :) Unless you're a long-time regular who recently nick-switched to take on HHH incognito, you are indeed a relative newcomer, as your nick suggests. I agree with a ton of what you've written and enjoy your style, but I haven't a clue what drew you to Netcell discussion in the first place. I'm not trying to chase you away - I'd like to see you stick around, in fact - but I can't remember you commenting on Netcell yet, and your player stats show four games played. Netcell drew me here, and the rest is secondary. (I have other interests, but I don't try to pursue them all at Netcell.) I'm equally perplexed by HHH (who I don't agree with nearly as much), who obviously has much to say about the Bible, but I can't for the life of me figure out why Netcell seemed like the best place for it. It's like going to a bowling league and standing in the middle of the lanes with a megaphone because you don't think the bowlers are interested in the right things. Bowling isn't the only thing bowlers talk about while they're playing, but if someone isn't at all interested in bowling to begin with, why hang out at a bowling center? Telling the bowlers to chill out doesn't really help the bowlers if the megaphone people have the lanes staked out. (You name it, I can make a metaphor for it.)

Date: Sat Feb 4 19:50:34 2006
User: hysterical
That's true, Ed. IMO that first one (noggins) was totally shameful and embarassing. It IS really ugly. Very much a turnoff. I believe good people run, don't walk away, in disgust.

Date: Sat Feb 4 19:54:09 2006
User: hotnurse
Great analogy Laffman, again you live up to your name. I'd be very disappointed to see you go, I love your humor.

Date: Sun Feb 5 01:32:40 2006
User: newbie
Laff--(sorry for the gaugh!) This is not a hi-jack--but it is going to start out like one. I was in Ann Arbor 53-60. Back then, half of each underclass Freshman class were out of state, by 1985 I think it was 10%. So, by the percentages, I guess you to be a resident of MI. And based on the rest, I would venture a resident of a suburb of Detroit--probably one of the Grosse Pointes. I suppose I could try to locate your colonel. If I am correct, you probably live within 30 miles of HappyHappyHappy and within 300 miles +/- of EZ-ED. You may even have tickets for the Super Bowl. So what is my point? Making people give up their identity as a condition to posting--which would not be unreasonable--would undoubably reduce the rhetoric--it would work that way on me.

Date: Sun Feb 5 01:57:11 2006
User: TrumanCapote
I don't know about the rest of these dudes listed in the above post, but Happy has told us more than once she lives in California. Perhaps you know something I don't, newbie. But if not, I don't believe Ann Arbor, MI, is within 30 miles of California.

Date: Sun Feb 5 08:30:01 2006
User: GeorgiePorgie
I once ate a turtle, shell and all. It tasted funny. In retrospect, and taking into account what I have learned the last couple of days, I hope the turtle was not LargeStuffedWolf in makeup for his role in "Finding Nemo".

Date: Sun Feb 5 15:45:26 2006
User: EZ-ED1
Hysterical wrote: "...that first one (noggins) was totally shameful and embarassing. It IS really ugly. Very much a turnoff. I believe good people run, don't walk away, in disgust." It's ba-a-a-a-a-c-k! Sorry to break the news in case you haven't noticed, but Corny just dug the Noggins thread out of mothballs and posted on it. Durn-it, anyway.

Date: Sun Feb 5 16:35:04 2006
User: uniped
Warning to all posters: Run.Hide.Don't go there, stay away, eat more zoo snacks. Maybe she won't know we're here.

Date: Sun Feb 5 17:10:12 2006
User: ix
I agree with uniped, but I also see, out of the corner of my eye, Fonzie leaving the ramp.

Date: Mon Feb 6 16:16:00 2006
User: birdhaus
Laffman, you are the reason I post here, you're my favorite poster. But if playing freecell is a prerequisite, then I'm in violation. Is it me you are talking about? For my defense, I started playing winnable solitaire under the name "bic" if you want to look at my terrible stats and standings. I find WS works best for my days at work where I can follow some kind of schedule that takes me to different work stations. I also noticed that Coronella came first to discussion board and now she's playing and talking freecell and has such great support from everyone. I think what the discussion board is going through are growing pains and I don't see what is wrong with long threads and I am not ashamed of the 200 plus posts that make them up. Why does this turn others away? Why don't they contribute anymore to the threads that they want? I have to disagree with you and EZED. I don't think it's the beginning of the end nor is it jumping the shark.

Date: Mon Feb 13 16:55:40 2006
User: hysterical
anyone like my lil sketch? .bat

Date: Mon Feb 13 18:10:06 2006
User: Hanibal_Lecter
what sketch? Am I being dense or have i just had too much Bushmill's? (like there is such a thing!)

Date: Mon Feb 13 18:27:40 2006
User: JeffMo
http://www.freecell.com/f/c/pics.html?;user,hysterical,0 ^^^ backup in case the URL is too long below JeffMo

Link: hysterical's sketch

Date: Mon Feb 13 18:40:30 2006
User: raederle
Great sketch hysterical. Love it! raederle

Date: Tue Feb 14 12:53:53 2006
User: horizona
Laffman: I didn't see eye-to-eye with you when you posted this, but I'm alot more on board (pun?) now. I'm a little bit anti-establishment by nature, but I'm also big on manners, and it can occasionally get somewhat szchizophrenic to be me. Anyway, I'm now seeing the dark underbelly when anarchy is the rule. horizona

Date: Fri Jun 11 12:49:44 2010
User: Canadian_eh
If you look at All Time scores in the 7X2 game (7xSWX game)you get accurate data for page one, but the link to pages 2,3,4,5, etc. jump to the All Time scores for the 7X3(7xSW)game. If you try to return to the first page of the 7X2 scores from any of the 7X2 pages higher than one, it also links back to the 7X3 scores. Opps. I think there is a glitch in the program somewhere. Kindly fix.

Date: Thu Oct 13 12:58:24 2011
User: TNmountainman
I guess this is technically off-topic, but somehow made marginal sense to post on this thread.

Link: *Standing* on the shark?!

Date: Thu Oct 13 18:33:45 2011
User: hotnurse
Great story TN.

Date: Fri Oct 14 08:51:52 2011
User: xeena
Okay, now what if he had come down just a bit to the left or right of the dorsal fin, he would have slid off... The way it was written, it sounds like he was in front of the fin and pointed toward the tail, and could see the tail thrahing about. Amazing. the precision in that. That is called surfing the shark

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