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Subject: sad songs may be the best songs, however

Date: Thu Feb 24 12:34:14 2011
User: malr
I feel we should have a thread of songs that make us feel foolishly happy.

Link: Simon and Garfunkel: Feeling groovy

Date: Thu Feb 24 13:02:08 2011
User: malr
the girl with the trumpet - can you look at her without smiling?

Link: $25 kiva if you can tell me trumpet girl's name...

Date: Thu Feb 24 13:19:22 2011
User: malr
Okay - if Jim Morrison & trumpet girl had a baby - anyone got one of those programs that lets you see that? I'm thinking, boy or girl, they'd rock. Incidentally, the girl he's describing is very obviously trumpet girls (grand?)mother - but due to racial sensitivity, all the girls are kinda whitebread. And the reason he never makes eye contact? Painfully shy - how cute is that?

Link: hello, I love you

Date: Thu Feb 24 18:10:58 2011
User: 80G
OK, you want happy? We can do happy....

Link: Thing of Beauty

Date: Thu Feb 24 21:04:13 2011
User: xeena
............but a happy song at a funeral makes me weep 100 times harder. I don't know why.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7QCbCwmtXc

Date: Thu Feb 24 22:18:34 2011
User: BuzzClik
xeena -- Do you suppose Bobby McFerrin sang that little ditty at Marley's funeral? Probably not. Maybe at the 10th anniversary of his death. But, it's a great song. Following Helen's lead, including the decade, I chose this one:

Link: Snoopy versus The Red Baron

Date: Thu Feb 24 22:41:33 2011
User: Dr.Bombay
Yeow - does that bring back memories. Snoopy vs. the Red Baron was one of the first 45's I ever bought. Must have played it twenty times straight after bringing it home. Now, it brings back fond memories re-hearing it ONCE but getting thru a second time starts to resemble torture. Good thing the old man wasn't home back on that day in the 60's. Here's another song that made me smile back then that might be a nit more listenable now.

Link: One - Hit Wonder 60's feel good song

Date: Fri Feb 25 00:51:04 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Kool groovin,malr. Great idea. This stuff is great. Heres one that used to bring me images of summer outings up the mighty Hudson and castles in the Thousand Islands,and,of course,that great movie! Click below.

Link: Plastics!

Date: Fri Feb 25 00:54:09 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Heres one for people who like Fender riffs with their Kentucky farm labor. Click below.

Link: Good Mornin Captain!

Date: Fri Feb 25 07:10:03 2011
User: BuzzClik
Great song. Even better by the Granddaddy of Bluegrass...

Link: Mule Skinner Blues by Bill Monroe

Date: Fri Feb 25 08:22:43 2011
User: Snowguy
Not exactly a work of art, this one made my kids and their friends crack up every time it played as an "oldie."

Link: The Cookies

Date: Sun Feb 27 06:03:19 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Was a long,hot summer,war ecalating abroad-and at home. What better thing to do but get away! Click below for the party.

Link: Goin upstate...gotta get away

Date: Sun Feb 27 09:08:16 2011
User: xeena
And what might be fun or happy about war, you might ask... Check out the tail in this video. Yes, mermaids can dance.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUxUbYUHExs

Date: Sun Feb 27 09:39:08 2011
User: BuzzClik
I saw Bette Midler in concert as a young 20-something. She and her audience were ... educational? I've been a dedicated fan ever since.

Link: In the Mood

Date: Sun Feb 27 09:45:58 2011
User: FilthyMcNasty
Play Barry White or Luther Vandross for the ladies, but Bette Midler can turn my thoughts to a less intellectual plane.

Link: Do You Wanna Dance?

Date: Sun Feb 27 09:58:03 2011
User: xeena
What is the one where they carry her out on a large platter of food????

Date: Sun Feb 27 10:11:13 2011
User: BuzzClik
In the concert I saw in the 70s, she was brought out on stage in King Kong's hand (Fay Wray style) and sang Lullaby of Broadway.

Date: Sun Feb 27 10:14:02 2011
User: rws33315
How about one by the Beatles

Link: Here Comes the Sun

Date: Sun Feb 27 10:47:55 2011
User: BuzzClik
Oh, oh! Great choice. I never saw any of the Beatles in concert, but I saw Richie Havens do Here Comes the Sun in a small bar-like venue in Denver. Such a great interpretation of a great song.

Link: Havens

Date: Sun Feb 27 10:57:49 2011
User: xeena
...found the platter one. It's Bette ala carte. (I swear she got the chickensh!t into chicken salad from my art teacher. I heard that 1000 times from him - wonder where it originated) caution: f word shouted by bette - my fave Bette saying

Link: Big Noise From Winnetka

Date: Sun Feb 27 11:08:56 2011
User: xeena
What? LBJ said it? Twice? The art teacher's lecture involved doing an interpretive dance around a giant pot of chicken poo and having it miraculously turn into chicken salad. (and this was high school)

Link: http://thinkexist.com/quotes/with/keyword/chicken_shit/

Date: Sun Feb 27 11:21:37 2011
User: xeena
This one's just for you, Filthy.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVkPqJbPQxU&feature=related

Date: Sun Feb 27 12:02:41 2011
User: BuzzClik
Some of the all female bands were probably very good (though very few who played their own instruments emerged at the time). Some of the bands, including the Continental Co-Ets, The Belles, However, one of them managed to actually record a record through their father's influence and money, and they may be the worst band of all time. The Shaggs were very young and, as I hear the story, had limited musical training. Their father believed that none of the 60s bands had any talent, and anybody who could get a song on vinyl was destined to be a big hit. The result was predictably horrid. The band is shown at 47 seconds of the first in xeena's series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkyZuUNQRNc If you click the link below, just be warned. And, of course, there was The Pandoras: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeoCkPD20Gc, who an 80s revival of the 60s girl garage band. (Is it just me, or is there something about The Pandoras...???)

Link: The Shaggs: "Philosophy of the World"

Date: Mon Feb 28 11:34:21 2011
User: xeena
Performance of a trashy medley by Bette and Cher

Link: Ladies with a bit of trash

Date: Mon Feb 28 11:37:23 2011
User: xeena
Here's Cher, Bette, Elton and the great Flip Wilson in a side splitting futuristic skit set in 2025, plus a musical medley These are from 1975

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maEHGUeUSUA

Date: Mon Feb 28 11:41:04 2011
User: xeena
ironic...? that Bette and Cher look as good as ever, and it's Elton who got fat. *love* Cher's boobs and Bette's butt in the skit.

Date: Tue Mar 1 10:34:44 2011
User: joeygray
Caint get no happiern this one.

Link: Me an' Homer Jones an' Big John Talley

Date: Tue Mar 1 16:26:26 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Who can forget this one hit wonder from the summer of 1970? Click link below.

Link: Everyone get Mungo.

Date: Tue Mar 1 21:25:53 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Remember "American Woman",from the Guess Who? Though theyre oftentimes 100% true,I just HATE hate songs,so I much preferred listening to this one from a different Canadian band. How did we ever live w/o YouTube to put a face on all these bands? Click below for link...and dont forget to crank it up!

Link: macaroons?

Date: Wed Mar 2 14:36:12 2011
User: Ponychick
Walkin on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves. Always makes me smile and wiggle!

Date: Wed Mar 2 21:38:34 2011
User: !_--FAST-ISHAM--_
Why,heres your song,Pony. For some reason I thought this song had been here much longer.

Link: Londons version of sunshine

Date: Tue Mar 8 07:30:38 2011
User: malr
singing songs on school trips...

Link: sweet violets

Date: Tue Mar 8 07:32:24 2011
User: malr
ooh, found a new version...

Link: bob saget old f**k song...

Date: Tue Mar 8 11:56:18 2011
User: malr
revenge of the girl band

Link: that's fine with me

Date: Tue Mar 8 12:11:21 2011
User: malr
and - the *other* walking on sunshine

Link: eddy grant rocks jo'anna

Date: Tue Mar 8 12:15:21 2011
User: malr
and my favourite muslim buddhist song...

Link: into white by the Cat

Date: Tue Mar 8 23:13:44 2011
User: FilthyMcNasty
While chasing down "sweet violets", I followed a wonderful You Tube tangent that took me deep into odd songs. I circled back through Michael Buble' (ack) and stumbled upon this gem. I love Bobby Darin's "Mack the Knife", but this rendition by Lotte Lenya is special. (Is it getting warm in here?) I have visions of Lotte in pair of fishnet stockings and a tuxedo jacket standing on a chair with one foot propped on the back and singing this song just for me. Or maybe I'm confusing her for Madeline Kahn singing "I'm Tired" from Blazing Saddles. But then I remember Lenya's role as Rosa Klebb in "From Russia with Love", and the fantasy is broken. Sing to me, sweetheart, and send me to Lotte Lotte land.

Link: Lotte Lenya sings Kurt Weill's (her hubby) Mack the Knife

Date: Wed Mar 9 09:18:56 2011
while i am not a particular fan of beyonce, this video always lifts my spirits and gets my toes tapping.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6iNnjYqxIQ&playnext=1&list=PLC7724D0671B57B0B

Date: Thu Mar 10 10:29:14 2011
User: Turpin827
Ray Stevens "Guitarzan" is pure jolly foolishness. I love it when Jane says "shut up, baby! I'm tryin' to sing!"

Link: Guitarzan

Date: Thu Mar 10 21:59:11 2011
User: kychick
I love this song, mmakes me feel all warm and fuzzy...

Link: Driving home for Christmas

Date: Fri Apr 22 17:55:21 2011
User: malr
hijacking - hijacking - hijacking

Link: just found this

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