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Subject: vavava and 12X0

Date: Thu Jun 6 13:27:51 2019
User: joeygray
Well, sorry for all the stinkn power failures we've had in semi-rural Maryland lately. I hope for the best and if I get another one I promise to run by hand as soon as power comes back on. :-/

There was a confirmed tornado less than 2 miles from my sister's house two weeks ago, and then ANOTHER less than 3 miles from my house earlier this week. It missed both of us but it played havoc with the local grid.

Date: Fri Jun 7 02:31:41 2019
User: HopDiriDiriDattiriDittiriDom
No problem. Looks like it was OK this time.

Power failures are also a problem for me sometimes. It may occur in the middle of a tournament you are about to win so you lose that one. Or in the middle of an easy game that you would normally win in a few minutes so you end up with 15+ minutes to solve it.

Date: Mon Feb 7 01:27:51 2022
User: Uberman
Thought the all-time daily record might fall yesterday but sebcbien2 fell just short, unfortunately. Still, well done on a great streak for 4th in King Valley!

Date: Mon Feb 7 10:50:38 2022
User: sebcbien2
Thanks Uberman
My ability to lose games decreases so when luck is there, I can reach the top
When i came back after dinner pause I directly stumbed over an unwinnable :-(
Since few weeks, there are more players at 12x0 so the weekly competition is tougher, the challenge is more interesting and stimulating

Date: Mon Feb 7 11:01:00 2022
User: Kumquat-of-Conciliation
Yet *another* case of the dealer punishing a player who takes a break!

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